Leftover Macaroni Salad
This is one of my FAVORITE ‘leftover makeovers’ to date! I have talked before about how mindful we are of using up leftovers and how we do not like to be wasteful. Well, one thing that I just couldn’t do much with is leftover mac and cheese. No matter HOW good mac and cheese is, its just not that good reheated. The only recipes I would find online for leftover mac and cheese, were battered and fried mac and cheese balls. We aren’t big fans of deep fried food. We don’t follow a low fat diet by any means, but we prefer our calories in butter, cheese and cream form 
So the other day, after reheating a sad bowl of macaroni and cheese and looking around in the fridge for something to add to it, I saw a jar of mayo. Then it hit me. Could this sad bowl of mac and cheese be transformed into Macaroni Salad? So I did what anyone does when they think they may have had a recipe epiphany. I googled it. To make sure it had been tried before. And to make sure it worked. Ha. I found NUMEROUS recipes for macaroni salad using leftover mac and cheese, so I got brave enough to try our recipe using our leftover mac and cheese. I can honestly say, it was the best macaroni salad I have ever made. I wont say it’s as good as my moms, but it was SPECTACULAR! No more throwing out sad, leftover mac and cheese at this house!!!
Leftover Macaroni Salad
3 cups leftover mac and cheese, that has been refrigerated for at least 1 night.
1/2 cup onion, very finely diced
1 celery stalk, very finely diced
3 eggs, whites and yolks hardboiled and chopped
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 Tbsp sweet pickle relish
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 tsp dried dill
paprika for sprinkling on top
Combine leftover mac and cheese with the onion, celery, eggs, mayo, sweet pickle relish, salt, black pepper, dill. Taste to check the seasonings. Add more salt or pepper if necessary. Top with paprika. Enjoy!
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