Slow Cooker Beer Sausage Dawgs

- 2 lbs Smoked Sausage
- 2 14 oz cans sauerkraut, drained
- 1 cup Brown Sugar
- 12 oz of your favorite beer
- For the topping and serving
- 2 TBSP oil, butter or bacon grease (or a combination of these)
- 1 Bell Pepper, sliced
- 1 Large Onion, sliced
- 1/2 cup of your favorite barbecue sauce
- 1/2 cup of juices from the crock pot after cooking
- Hot Dog Buns
Slice your smoked sausage into bun length pieces.
Place in bottom of the crock pot.
Top with drained sour kraut.
Combine brown sugar and beer in a bowl and pour over sausage and kraut.
Turn crock pot to low and cook for 8 hours.
At some point during the 8 hours, saute your bell pepper and onions.
After your sausages are done cooking, ladle 1/2 cup of the juice from the crock pot and mix it with 1/2 cup of your favorite barbecue sauce.
This will make a FANTASTIC topping for your sausage dawgs!
To serve, place sausage dawgs and kraut on buns, top with bell peppers and onions, if desired, and pour some sauce over the top!
Eat quickly, cuz it's gonna be messy!!!! Enjoy!

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